Product Videos - Upload Videos for Products

  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...
  • Product Videos - Upload Videos for...

Upload unlimited videos for products or categories and improve the user experience of your shop.


  • Upload unlimited videos (mp4, ogg, 3gp, webm formats supported)
  • Ability to assign videos to products or the whole category
  • 5 different positions where to display your videos
  • Change videos block title and video size
  • Multi video and multi language
  • Multi shop ready
  • Detailed documentation

Watch the video for more details:

If you are interested in Product Videos - Upload Videos for Products PrestaShop Module Read More